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State of the art of harvesting and production of wood energy in New Aquitaine

In New Aquitaine, wood energy represents nearly 1.5 million tonnes per year from forests or wood recycling channels. To support its wood energy development policy, ADEME entrusted FORET LOGISTIQUE CONSEIL with carrying out a survey on the means of harvesting and producing wood energy in the New Aquitaine region. The results have been available since September 2019.

Guide for good practice in forestry work business management

The Aquitaine association of forestry contractors (ETFA) has been leading actions in supporting forestry work business management for several years. To facilitate business access to the means implemented, FORET LOGISTIQUE CONSEIL drew up the contents of a fact sheet on management support solutions for business leaders.

Platform & timber yard design (feasibility study)

The platforms and timber yards are key points in the wood supply chain, whether for timber industry, wood industry or energy wood. Forêt Logistique Conseil provides its expertise to assess the feasibility of projects and optimise their cost.

Strategic & financial audits

Managing forestry companies requires a strong implication from business managers to ensure proper short-term functioning of operations. However it is very important to not neglect the necessity of hindsight needed to guide your activities in the direction of your strategic objectives.

Forestry activity control tool design

To know production costs and link them to turnover in not easy for forestry companies. Forêt Logistique Conseil provides its expertise in controlling management and forestry to help you develop relevant control tools suitable for your company.

Evaluation & improvement of the productivity of your forestry operations

The productivity of forestry operations greatly varies depending on operating conditions (terrain, stands, forestry). This is why it is difficult to find paths that lead to yield improvement. Forêt Logistique Conseil helps you to identify the levers that act to increase productivity, by implementing a methodical and participatory approach.

Wood logistics in the Great East: what possible innovations?

The project is supported by the regional transport observatories of the Great East. Its aim is to better understand the processes that take place between the forest and the primary wood processing sites (sawmills, crushing industries, boilers, etc) to suggest ways to improve their logistics.

Aquitaine memo on Energy Wood

After observing the development of energy wood mobilisation, CRPF Aquitaine decided to make available to the industry stakeholders a body of operational knowledge on the subject. Forêt Logistique Conseil has drafted a set of summary factsheets by involving the different actors of the mobilisation.

Study on forest access of southern Landes of Gascogne & South-Adour

The southern Landes of Gascogne suffered the least from the Klaus storm in 2009 and therefore remains a very important area for supplying wood industries of the region. The level of exploitation of this industry will continue to grow through 2015-2025. This is why the local authorities needed to carry out a strategic review of the forest access capacity to support this increased activity.